本帖最后由 5NB 于 2009-5-20 10:54 编辑
楼主,你的文件我运行了要报错.Unable to load block diagram 'powerlib2'
另外能不能不要把模块完全封掉,我们好学习一下。 支持下,好像是能用的 谢谢楼主分享 楼主好像有点错
有点谐波 楼主 有报错{:1_428:}Warning: Input port 1 of 'SPWM_RL50/PWM Generator' is not connected.
Warning: Maximum step size (1e-005) is larger than the fastest discrete sampling period (2e-006) time. Setting maximum step size to 2e-006.
Warning: The specified buffer for 'SPWM_RL50/Fourier/T' was too small. During simulation, the buffer size was temporarily increased to 11264. In order to use Real-Time Workshop, you need to update the buffer size parameter.
Warning: The specified buffer for 'SPWM_RL50/Fourier/T1' was too small. During simulation, the buffer size was temporarily increased to 11264. In order to use Real-Time Workshop, you need to update the buffer size parameter. 楼主,你的模块有问题耶 楼主,运行不了! 有人说能运行? 线电压和线电压波形是反的吧! 我的是7。0的不知道能不能运行呢,先下载看看 好东西,下来看看 还可以 有点错误~ 谢谢楼主。 虽然有点错误 不过还是感谢楼主的分享~ 不能运行的,可能是版本问题吧。 谢谢LZ分享~ 不知道好不好用啊 !先感谢楼主! 感谢分享! 先看看O(∩_∩)O哈!