风力发电机标准 IEC61400-12
IEC 61400-12 Power PerformanceSpecifies a procedure for measuring the power performance characteristics of wind turbine generator systems of all types and sizes connected to the electric power network. It is applicable for both the determination of the absolute power performance characteristics of a WTGS and relative differences among the power performance characteristics of various WTGS configurations.
The WTGS power performance characteristics are defined by the measured power curve and the estimated annual energy production (AEP). The measured power curve is determined by collecting simultaneous measurements of wind speed and power output at the test site for a period long enough to establish a statistically significant database over a range of wind speeds and under varying wind conditions. The AEP is estimated by applying the measured power curve to reference wind speed frequency distributions, assuming 100% availability.
In 1995, participants in WG6 agreed to approve the draft standard with the understanding that extensions would be added to the scope of work. These extensions will handle the special requirements of power performance testing of small turbines, as well as testing of all turbines in complex terrain and in wind farm environments. 谢谢分享,要是能介绍发电机部分就更好了 下载看看,正是我要求的 下载看看,学习一下 下载来看看,谢谢! 不错,精神可嘉 英文的标准,能看吗? 是英文的吗,看不懂。 赶快攒钱! 正在找之,学习学习。 下载时看好了发表时间,这个标准不是最新的 不错 好呀看着很不错呀 有中文版本么?? 很好的东西,谢谢! 看看下来{:1_432:} 有点贵啊。{:1_426:} 我要下载,需要 谢谢分享! 好东西啊!1!