Ansoft 16(64位)报错
初学者,请问在仿真时出现以下问题怎么办啊?谢谢{:1_553:} {:1_553:} {:1_553:} {:1_553:}二维瞬态场:
ACIS entity check failed for part: C_N4;
ACIS entity check failed for part: D_N3;
Use Modeler/Validation Settings to relax ACIS entity checking or Modeler/Model Analysis/Heal to fix check errors.
Eddy effect settings may need revisiting due to the recent changes in the design.The default value will be used for the object if the value is not specified. 导入模型有细节不能不能识别导致的 lizhen2979371 发表于 2018-6-27 10:48
谢谢 我从新导入后,问题取消了。