hahahaliu 发表于 2017-10-3 12:21


OCRINV   => Retrieval of inverse relation aborted
LGFNU1_1 => Evaluating aborted
LGFNUM   => Evaluating aborted
BAFOCC   => Evaluation aborted
PAFREF   => Failed
DDCFDO   => Boundary without domain
DDCFDO   => Failed.
DDDTGL   => Failed
OCRINV   => Retrieval of inverse relation aborted
LGFNU1_1 => Evaluating aborted
LGFNUM   => Evaluating aborted
BAFOCC   => Evaluation aborted
PAFREF   => Failed
DDCFDO   => Boundary without domain
DDCFDO   => Failed.
DDDTGL   => Failed
The value of the MESH_POINT SMALL is lower than the minimum distance betweenn nodes.
The value 8.64852 is used The propagated line of the segment n 879 is incorrect
Creation or modification aborted

hahahaliu 发表于 2017-10-3 12:24

Can not execute the following command :loadProject('C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/45kW_SKEW/45kW_15phase_2poles_600rpm_SKEW_20171003_3.FLU')openProject : Execution failed.OCRTOU   => For RB.F3D.ESQUISSEOCRTOU   => Array NUMOE( 1) out of boundsOCRTOU   => Retrieval of occurrence numbers abortedSKEPRE   => Unable to create a SketchOpenProject => FailedThere is no open project
页: [1]
查看完整版本: flux异步电机斜槽仿真报错