INFINITE: This region is not completely characterized
In Physical,
End of physical check.
checkPhysic executed
INFINITE: This region is not completely characterized
In Physical,
问题很肤浅,请各位高手谅解! You have a working link connection Flux-Simulink ? "INFINITE: This region is not completely characterized"
再检查一下 infinite region 的设置,没问题以后,点击 ok 或者 apply。然后应该就好了 1# At present simol forum there is no simulink license file.
Is your license file work fully with simulink?
Thanks you simulink works well with flux 8.1. 本帖最后由 lijo 于 2009-5-10 17:44 编辑
5# lijian613
You can upload to FTP ftp.simol.cn server Flux 8.1 and license of program
I have Flux 7.6 (this dont have the simulink module) and Flux 10.2.4(this have a bug in magnetothermal transient apps)
I need a link to simulink. I need Flux 8.1
Thanks 5# lijian613
UPLOAD FLUX 8.1 PLEASE 5# lijian613
have or not have the Flux 8.1 ?
有或没有Flux_8.1 ? 有, 抱歉,用的是正版 回复 5# lijian613
请问你现在还是用flux8.1与simulink联合仿真吗?你有没有尝试其他版本的flux与simulink仿真?我用的flux10.2破解版与simulink无法联合仿真,按照帮助文档操作了,还是不行。 回复 6# lijo
Do you have a link to simulink now?Which version of Flux do you use?Would you please help me ?I use flux10.2 , I can't have a link to simulink.There is no file called Flux_link_Hlp.m in my file folder.Would you please tell me how I can have a link to simulink?Thank you very much! use the cracked dll file (cedprot.dll) of dnawujun (search in the forum) THIS http://bbs.simol.cn/thread-25317-1-1.html