toolkit 错误解决方法求助
请问在运行toolkit例子过程中出现下面错误,该怎么改啊?*Global - Messages
IronPython script has launched an external optimizer for the alignment of the D-Q axis: (13:5:49, March 1, 2017)
IronPython script has aligned the D-Q axis successfully. Alignment angle = 194.5 deg: (13:5:53, March 1, 2017)
Simulation of the Efficiency Map for PM Synchronous Machine has been requested: (13:5:53, March 1, 2017)
Parametric sweep has started: (13:5:54, March 1, 2017)
Script is creating reports for the parametric sweep: (16:5:13, March 3, 2017)
PythonException: Retrieving data from the parametric sweep encountered an error: (16:5:31, March 3, 2017)In file "D:/Program Files (x86)/AnsysEM/AnsysEM16.0/Win64/Maxwell/syslib/Toolkits/Maxwell2D/Electric Machines Design Toolkit - R16.1/Electric Machines Design", line 1275 ---- While executing script: D:/Program Files (x86)/AnsysEM/AnsysEM16.0/Win64/Maxwell/syslib/Toolkits/Maxwell2D/Electric Machines Design Toolkit - R16.1/Electric Machines Design
PM_Toolkit_Ex1 (C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/)