Electric loop cut是个什么鬼?
仿真建模过程中出现如下提示:The group of volumique regions:
- AL6063
- SN
is multiply connected:
- There are 2 hole(s) for a group of volumes.
There can be a problem called connexity problem if the current
is flowing around one hole and forms an electric current loop.
If you have a connexity problem, you must create a cut of
electric loop () which cuts the electric
current loop.
我分析了下子,意思应该是Volume region内部形成短路,需要手动指定一个电流回路切割面。
奈何怎么设置都不行,所以需要知道这个Electric loop cut究竟是个什么?其原理在用户手册上能查到吗? 新版本可以自动cut了,这主要意思是把几何体切割一下别形成回路 FOXWHY 发表于 2016-10-3 22:52
谢谢探讨,最新版的哪个版?我用11.2 FOXWHY 发表于 2016-10-3 22:52