刚开始做螺杆压缩机永磁同步电机,下面计算单是一台45kW、8极、3000rmp、功率系数1.2,效率需达到1级能效标准。我现在对计算单里面的计算数据是否合理弄不清楚(工程经验少)比如:齿磁密、反电势、电枢电密、热负荷等重要参数的值,希望大神指导指导。DJUSTABLE-SPEED PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR DESIGN
File: Setup1.res
Rated Output Power (kW): 45
Rated Voltage (V): 360
Number of Poles: 8
Frequency (Hz): 200
Frictional Loss (W): 300
Windage Loss (W): 0
Rotor Position: Inner
Type of Circuit: Y3
Type of Source: Sine
Domain: Time
Operating Temperature (C): 75
Number of Stator Slots: 48
Outer Diameter of Stator (mm): 290
Inner Diameter of Stator (mm): 205
Type of Stator Slot: 2
Stator Slot
hs0 (mm): 0.8
hs1 (mm): 0.8
hs2 (mm): 23.9
bs0 (mm): 3.5
bs1 (mm): 6.32853
bs2 (mm): 9.4615
Top Tooth Width (mm): 7.3
Bottom Tooth Width (mm): 7.3
Skew Width (Number of Slots): 0
Length of Stator Core (mm): 160
Stacking Factor of Stator Core: 0.95
Type of Steel: B35AV1900
Slot Insulation Thickness (mm): 0.3
Layer Insulation Thickness (mm): 0
End Length Adjustment (mm): 7
Number of Parallel Branches: 4
Number of Conductors per Slot: 16
Type of Coils: 11
Average Coil Pitch: 5
Number of Wires per Conductor: 11
Wire Diameter (mm): 0.85
Wire Wrap Thickness (mm): 0.08
Slot Area (mm^2): 230.577
Net Slot Area (mm^2): 194.157
Limited Slot Fill Factor (%): 80
Stator Slot Fill Factor (%): 78.4016
Coil Half-Turn Length (mm): 286.31
Wire Resistivity (ohm.mm^2/m): 0.0217
Minimum Air Gap (mm): 0.8
Inner Diameter (mm): 70
Length of Rotor (mm): 160
Stacking Factor of Iron Core: 0.95
Type of Steel: B35AV1900
Bridge (mm): 1.85
Rib (mm): 9
Mechanical Pole Embrace: 0.737086
Electrical Pole Embrace: 0.770195
Max. Thickness of Magnet (mm): 6
Width of Magnet (mm): 57
Type of Magnet: N35UH_xiu
Type of Rotor: 5
Magnetic Shaft: No
Residual Flux Density (Tesla): 1.03
Coercive Force (kA/m): 700
Maximum Energy Density (kJ/m^3): 180.25
Relative Recoil Permeability: 1.17096
Demagnetized Flux Density (Tesla): 0
Recoil Residual Flux Density (Tesla): 1.03
Recoil Coercive Force (kA/m): 700
Armature Wire Density (kg/m^3): 8900
Permanent Magnet Density (kg/m^3): 7600
Armature Core Steel Density (kg/m^3): 7700
Rotor Core Steel Density (kg/m^3): 7700
Armature Copper Weight (kg): 12.2154
Permanent Magnet Weight (kg): 3.32698
Armature Core Steel Weight (kg): 25.723
Rotor Core Steel Weight (kg): 29.9869
Total Net Weight (kg): 71.2523
Armature Core Steel Consumption (kg): 61.847
Rotor Core Steel Consumption (kg): 38.6306
Stator Winding Factor: 0.965926
D-Axis Reactive Reactance Xad (ohm): 0.574457
Q-Axis Reactive Reactance Xaq (ohm): 1.83725
D-Axis Reactance X1+Xad (ohm): 0.754408
Q-Axis Reactance X1+Xaq (ohm): 2.0172
Armature Leakage Reactance X1 (ohm): 0.179951
Zero-Sequence Reactance X0 (ohm): 0.179951
Armature Phase Resistance R1 (ohm): 0.0159256
Armature Phase Resistance at 20C (ohm): 0.0131001
Stator-Teeth Flux Density (Tesla): 1.51212
Stator-Yoke Flux Density (Tesla): 1.64044
Rotor-Yoke Flux Density (Tesla): 0.340537
Air-Gap Flux Density (Tesla): 0.725474
Magnet Flux Density (Tesla): 0.874658
Stator-Teeth By-Pass Factor: 0.00104749
Stator-Yoke By-Pass Factor: 0.000161731
Rotor-Yoke By-Pass Factor: 7.30053e-006
Stator-Teeth Ampere Turns (A.T): 27.7998
Stator-Yoke Ampere Turns (A.T): 57.2688
Rotor-Yoke Ampere Turns (A.T): 0.762821
Air-Gap Ampere Turns (A.T): 547.465
Magnet Ampere Turns (A.T): -633.435
Leakage-Flux Factor: 1.15565
Correction Factor for Magnetic
Circuit Length of Stator Yoke: 0.296452
Correction Factor for Magnetic
Circuit Length of Rotor Yoke: 0.756126
No-Load Line Current (A): 16.2879
No-Load Input Power (W): 807.467
Cogging Torque (N.m): 14.674
Maximum Line Induced Voltage (V): 482.951
Root-Mean-Square Line Current (A): 73.2157
Root-Mean-Square Phase Current (A): 73.2157
Armature Thermal Load (A^2/mm^3): 64.0055
Specific Electric Loading (A/mm): 21.827
Armature Current Density (A/mm^2): 2.9324
Frictional and Windage Loss (W): 300
Iron-Core Loss (W): 495.374
Armature Copper Loss (W): 256.105
Total Loss (W): 1051.48
Output Power (W): 44991.4
Input Power (W): 46042.9
Efficiency (%): 97.7163
Synchronous Speed (rpm): 3000
Rated Torque (N.m): 143.212
Torque Angle (degree): 36.1856
Maximum Output Power (W): 185438
Torque Constant KT (Nm/A): 1.6256
The 3-phase, 1-layer winding can be arranged in 12 slots as below:
Angle per slot (elec. degrees): 30
Phase-A axis (elec. degrees): 105
First slot center (elec. degrees): 0
For Armature Winding:
Number of Turns: 128
Parallel Branches: 4
Terminal Resistance (ohm): 0.0159256
End Leakage Inductance (H): 2.71948e-005
2D Equivalent Value:
Equivalent Model Depth (mm): 160
Equivalent Stator Stacking Factor: 0.95
Equivalent Rotor Stacking Factor: 0.95
Equivalent Br (Tesla): 1.03
Equivalent Hc (kA/m): 700
Estimated Rotor Inertial Moment (kg m^2): 0.20971
大神给指导指导,这东西没老师带真的难摸啊!! Rotor-Yoke Flux Density (Tesla):0.340537转子轭磁密有点底,Cogging Torque (N.m): 14.674相对于额定转矩143.212,齿槽转矩有点太大了。你这程序怎么连最重要的东西空载反电势都没有显示呢? Nephology 发表于 2016-6-29 13:56
Rotor-Yoke Flux Density (Tesla):0.340537转子轭磁密有点底,Cogging Torque (N.m): 14.674相对于额定 ...
就是ANSOFT V14的RM啊,FULL-LOAD反电动势是482V啊!您说的上面的转子轭磁密底,和齿槽转矩大怎么解决呢?需要调哪些参数
永磁直线电机 发表于 2016-6-29 14:25
就是ANSOFT V14的RM啊,FULL-LOAD反电动势是482V啊!您说的上面的转子轭磁密底,和齿槽转矩大怎么解决呢 ...
我说的是空载反电势,你那个482V是满负载时的反电势。轭部磁密磁密太小了可以调节一下转子的内径,齿槽转矩太大了可以通过改变极弧系数,改变永磁体形状,改变定子斜槽虚拟槽等等 “Maximum Line Induced Voltage (V): 482.951”, 字面上可以译成“最大线感应电压”,实际上是否就是空载反电势?因为是“Maximun”?请赐教。 除以1.414你这个最大也就340 实际测试还会有偏差设计值做到365左右 楼主,我的设计表中也没有空载反电势这一个参数,请问应该在哪里找出呢?