Flux V12 全新三维CAD功能抢先看
Flux V12预计今年年底发布,其三维CAD建模功能和几何清理功能极其强大,此版本大大加强了Flux3D的三维建模技术。自此版本一出,在机电设备电磁仿真这一块,Flux几乎可以说是独步天下,再也没有敌人了。如下连接,是V12的三维CAD演示Demo.
pan.baidu.com/s/1kTxAhtt 发几幅图
I'll hope support buildFaces() and buildVolumes() with helix curves 好好好。。。。。。。。。 12.0还是早点出来吧,看上去不错。 看上去不错,不过ansoft早就有3D功能了 tztcl001 发表于 2014-7-25 22:17
Ansoft-Maxwell-2014 don't have Eddy Current Solver with circuit and with NL magnetic materials 三维的功能基本上没有什么作用! 11.1三维建模太麻烦了,期待哈 本帖最后由 lijo 于 2014-9-18 15:18 编辑
anyone know when will come out?
Flux V12 release date?
5 months have passed :X lijo 发表于 2014-9-18 15:14
anyone know when will come out?
Flux V12 release date?
5 months have passed :X
Maybe two months later as Magsoft declared. I think maybe three months later. 期待新版本发布,解决三维建模问题! it looks the new version can make radius on coil easily. So it is big improvement in building geometry model. It will allow engineer to build those model inside FLUX which is not possible right now. expecting!
Will be available in the Version 12 of Flux®, at the End of November, 2014