flux问答7之什么是 “macro”? FLUX中提供了哪些 ?
什么是 “macro”?FLUX中提供了哪些 ?macros使得用户可以重组经常使用的命令并插入到软件中去。
You can build up a macro instead of manually executing aseries of repetitive actions in Flux, which you will then be able to call regularly.Amacro is interesting because it can encapsulate within a new command a seriesof repetitive operations and thus improve the quality and efficiency of theuser-software interaction.Concretely, a macro file (*.py) is a text file, whichdefines the macro-function in the PyFlux language. It receives (upon entry) oneor more parameters and executes (upon exit) a series of predefined actions.Itis possible to use the macros provided with Flux or to create your ownmacros.The list of macros provided with Flux is available in C:\Cedrat\Extensions\Macros\macros_list_EN.pdf