当模型中有多个运动部分时,该注意那些问题?With Flux it is possible to model several mobile parts using the sliding surface method.The requirement when modelling several mobile parts are the following :
Same type of motion (translation or rotation) for all mobile parts ;Fixed area between each two mobile parts.
Example : Two mobile parts rotating at different speeds are separated by a fixed air area.
支持,及时啊 several mobile parts
就是说 ,在FLUX中可以添加“多个”运动物体?这个多个,是否有个数的限制?是算法上的实现?还是一些“技巧”的实现(譬如我只是添加两个运动物体,其它的我用参数化实现等效运动)细节上有没有什么要求? 谢谢。 同问!