FluxLab XBuilder to make OVERLAY TOOLS
本帖最后由 lijo 于 2009-1-19 04:37 编辑Somebody know where download this tools
The following thesis is a good tutorial to use the overlay menu of a motorBPM
and refers to these tools FluxLab FluxBuilder FluxCore
http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/26/57/55/PDF/These_Lacombe_2007.pdf Lijo, Nice Post! 好奇怪,楼主都是从哪里下载这些文章的?看的不是很明白,如果您需要学习flux的overlay快速设计,我可以发给您一些帮助文档 flux_softwave I get from google, looking theses in databases, etc
and yes I want help documents for overlay design 上述是永磁无刷直流电机的overlay快速设计的简单介绍 SuperThanks for the ovelay documentation. 不用客气,只是一些简单介绍的东西,其实overlay的使用是非常便捷的,在右侧的图形界面上有很多箭头,可以进行指示,告诉您需要填写的那些数据代表蛇么意思。 I am a modeling a full motor without symmetries (motor faults study) and the mesh using the overlay is very thin even putting in the minimum mesh coefficient (0.1) as a result I have too many elements. How can I reduce more the number of nodes? flux_softwave , Thanks for Documentaion thankx for document 谢谢,受教了 {:1_432:}关于overlay,我有个小小的困惑:我搞个项目是外转子永磁电机
这个太奇怪了~~~,请flux_softwave解释,谢谢 FluxLab看起来很强大啊,可以自己以所见即所得的方式做overlay库 flux_softwave 有沒有感應電機外轉子的 有感应电机外转子的overlay 本帖最后由 lijo 于 2009-10-10 04:18 编辑
menu > Extensions > Load a certified overlay fluxlab在哪里下载 Cedrat is a company which is on the "dark side" as DSS with Catia. They are French. Do not share your information, your tools,.... only w/ money $$$$$. You can not download FluxLab until leak from this company so close. I Think. I need a XBuilder User Doc or Tutorial