Magnet 永磁体充磁方向
请问大神,Magnet中几种永磁体充磁方向,“Uniform”,“Uniform fixed”,“general”分别有什么区别?平行充磁和halbach充磁,应该如何设置呢? 本帖最后由 panda8866 于 2012-12-10 06:29 编辑INTRODUCTION
When a permanent magnet material is assigned to a component, the user has to specify in the global coordinate system the Material Direction information describing the magnetization vector field.
The Material Direction includes two elements:
A Type, describing the magnetization pattern in space. The four permanent magnet Material Direction Types are:
-Uniform and Uniform Fixed
-Radially Cylindrical
-Radially Spherical
One or more associated vectors which, together with the magnetization pattern corresponding to the Type, complete the specification of the magnetization vector field.
Note: the Material Direction is not affected by component distortion.
In a permanent magnet component having a Uniform or Uniform Fixed Material Direction Type, the magnetization pattern has the same direction everywhere in the component.
For the Uniform type, the magnetization direction is transformed with the component. This is the default Material Direction type, and is commonly used to model bar magnets. For the Uniform Fixed type however, the magnetization direction does not change when the component is transformed.
The associated vector, the Direction, is a constant vector specifying the magnetization direction in the global coordinate system.
The General Material Direction option allows one to directly specify in the global coordinate system the magnitude (in A/m) and direction of the full magnetization vector field M0 = -Hc as geometrically based expressions using standard mathematical functions. The following position variables are recognized:
1.Cartesian coordinates: x, y, z e.g., -1000*y/sqrt(x^2 + y^2),1000*x/sqrt(x^2 + y^2), 0 (length is in meters)
2.Cylindrical coordinates: r, theta, z, e.g., 1000*cos(theta), 1000*sin(theta), 0. The direction is along the cylindrical radius vector r, and theta is the angle from the x-axis in radians with range [-π, π].
3.Spherical coordinates: R, theta, phi, e.g., 1000*cos(theta), 1000*sin(theta), 1000*cos(phi). The direction is along the spherical radius vector R, theta is the angle from the x-axis in radians with range [-π, π], and phi is the angle from the z-axis in radians with range .
希望能有帮助。 请教2楼的。具体哪些磁钢的位置为30度,45度,那里面的 0,1,0这些具体是怎么表示的? 你好,3楼的朋友,不是很明白你的问题。因为我是个初学者,只是由于工作的原因能接触到一些资料,所以才拿出来共同学习。你所说的0,1,0,是不是用来定义磁化方向的矢量表示吗?如果是,我的理解是,对于xyz坐标系,三个轴的方向定义为:x轴正向为(1,0,0),负向为(-1,0,0);y轴正向为(0,1,0),负向为(0,-1,0);z轴正向为(0,0,1),负向为(0,0,-1)。所以,对于磁化方向可用类似上述的定义方法来完成。如xy平面45度,方向矢量就可用(1,1,0);30度就是(sqrt(3)/2,1/2,0)。另外,方向矢量的具体表示还和模型如何在坐标系中构建有关。但基本方法类似。啰嗦了些,也不知我的理解对不对,还望高手指教,谢谢。 本帖最后由 guistar1983 于 2012-12-12 16:04 编辑
{:soso_e179:}感谢panda8866的帮助,我明白了。以后还要向你多学习!现在我想学习一下这个软件。 又学习了很多知识谢谢你们 新人路过,学习学习~ 谢谢回复的朋友了,学习到了! 学习了 哇哈哈,学习了学习了 学习了,解释不错 学到知识了 谢谢楼主分享,学习了。 收藏了,多谢各位大咖!! 谢分享,学习一下 为什么我从(0,1,0)改变为(1,0,0)会出现不能运行的错误呢?
Unable to start the solver due to the following validation errors in the model which would generate incorrect results:
1. The material direction defined for component 'N45' must be parallel to the Y-axis for axisymmetric 2D solutions. If. 发表于 2020-5-12 09:03
Unable to start the solver due to th ...
看这个说明是N45这个永磁体充磁方向在这个二维模型中只能沿平行于Y轴的方向充磁 和自我摸索着设置一样的 如果永磁块是扇形,充磁方向怎么设置呢,请指教