FLUX 最新 FAQ 集合
建立了一个google document, 用下面这个链接, 任何人都可以浏览编辑大家自己有的FAQ, 也可以添加进去, 每个人都出一份力
docs.google.com/document/d/1xMeLGMxLXS4ZY7o0h70mQNXVU69xDFbtD2aOQYyfk4w/edit Thanks a lot , a waiting this for long time. lijo 发表于 2012-11-24 03:54 static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks a lot , a waiting this for long time.
No problem. I couldn't maintain the gate for ever. Hope other people will give their contribution also.
不错的资料 好羡慕楼主能进gate啊.......... 我之前花了好长时间整理的, 复制粘贴, 怕离校了就不能进gate了 这个必须顶一下 非常感谢楼主 多谢分享。 Can you upload the Gate's MACROS and USER OVERLAYS ?
看看 谢谢分享 Can you upload new updates of the tutorials, 2D/3D technical examples,......
documentsonly available on the Gate in the tutorial section. lijo 发表于 2012-11-27 13:27 static/image/common/back.gif
Can you upload the Gate's MACROS and USER OVERLAYS ?
没有你说的 giuseppe 发表于 2012-12-12 20:12 static/image/common/back.gif
Yes, I want ALL{:soso_e113:}, I want the macros and tutorials (new documentation and examples) only available in the Gate, I don't have access to the Gate;) 非常感谢楼主 楼主大爱! 好想法,真好人 遇到问题,把案例和解决方法都放上去更好。
多谢分享。 很好啊,一点一点的把内容都补齐了