FLUX2D Induction motor 端部漏感怎么计算?
Induction motor 端部漏感怎么计算?有人知道么?指导一下啊.. 本帖最后由 lijo 于 2012-10-20 06:33 编辑https://bbs.simol.cn/thread-20302-1-1.html for example.
Or you can use RMXPRT from Maxwell or SPEED (very complex) Thanks lijo; thanks you very much.
and i found another method to calculate the indutance. see attached. Thanks galaxy2008 for sharing~{:soso_e181:} 下来学习一下 谢谢分享,非常有用 下来看看,学习下,谢谢分享 galaxy2008 发表于 2012-10-20 15:10
Thanks lijo; thanks you very much.
and i found another method to calculate the indutance. see atta ...
3D model with Flux3D, not other method 感謝 不知道有沒有人有端部電阻的計算呢? 謝謝大大分享 趕快來看看 感謝 漏磁计算比较重要 对于优化 https://bbs.simol.cn/thread-133641-1-1.html