AnsoftLinks v4.1(including crack) Automation for EDA Layout and Mechanical CAD Import AnsoftLinks?streamlines the transfer of design databases from popular third-party EDA layout tools and Mechanical CAD (MCAD) packages into Ansoft electromagnetic field simulation products. EDA links are available for a number of tools offered by Cadence, Zuken, Mentor Graphics and Synopsys, while MCAD links support common file formats, such as IGES, STEP and Pro/E. With AnsoftLinks, select components or complete IC, package, printed circuit board and connector designs can be automatically converted into ready-to-simulate Ansoft models, allowing engineers to use existing design geometries in their electromagnetic analyses in order to meet aggressive development costs and delivery schedules. New in AnsoftLinks v4 [*]Auto port generation for HFSS projects[*]User defined HFSS air box parameters prior to geometry translation[*]Grid points in model window, supporting ability to draw plane extents[*]Ability to ignore planes smaller than a user specified area[*]User specified minimum edge length setting[*]Dielectric expansion factor setting available[*]Option to ignore small cutouts[*]Ability to import layouts from PADS within the AnsoftLinks GUI by pointing to the ASCII output file (*.asc)[*]Enhanced automation for Mentor Graphics Expedition translation[*]Support for Cadence Allegro/APD v15.5 現在裝好了,對不住lz,是我有失誤,按照要求一步步來,現在一般的電腦系統還是32位的,還是要點擊破解文件的。 感谢分享啊 請問有安裝說明嗎~~~非常感謝 {:1_432:}谢谢分享 下载到一半就不动了,{:1_428:} 找了很久的好软件 顶一下就是穷人下不了啊 好帖,谢谢 谢谢分享{:soso_e179:} 下载太贵了。 能用这个把protel能导入Maxwell吗? 下载这个害我留言了好多才筹够钱~~ 怎么感觉下载的20个解压出来是一样的东西呢?求解答 下载学习下{:10_355:}