giuseppe 发表于 2012-7-31 21:12


本帖最后由 giuseppe 于 2012-8-3 07:10 编辑

很疑惑FLUX计算的电磁转矩是否包含损耗, 大家来讨论一下

理论计算的电磁转矩, 一般可由这个公式得到, Te=Pe/wm=3*E*I*cos(gama)/wm
这样得到的转矩其实是包含了铁损和永磁损的(SPM电机), 但不包含铜损, 因为它假设所有的电磁功率(总输入功率-铜损)都转化为转矩了, 实际上轴上的转矩要比这个值小

FLUX的计算方法为: Te=dWm/dtheta; dWm=integrate(H)dB, 这样计算得到的电磁转矩是不是就是不包含任何损耗的纯的电磁转矩了?

这涉及到计算电机效率时, 第一种方法为 (Te*wm-铁损-永磁损)/(Te*wm+铜损)
而第二种方法为 Te*wm/(Te*wm+铜损+铁损+永磁损)
查看FLUX11手册, SPM教程, 可以看到它是按第二种方法来计算效率的, 说明FLUX计算的电磁转矩是不包含任何损耗的

cym 发表于 2012-8-1 11:32

請問版主是否可加我的MSN, 有些問題想特定請教

lijo 发表于 2012-8-1 16:35

Your reasoning is correct. The iron losses can be included in a resistor in parallel with the FEM coils also. In my opinion the Flux examples are not rigorous, they are examples for beginners, with approximations, not valid in all cases.

giuseppe 发表于 2012-8-1 18:38

回复 2# cym

msn我很少登陆, 方便的话请加我的qq或者gmail讨论

giuseppe 发表于 2012-8-1 18:47

回复 3# lijo

    I was wondering in which way the FLUX could calculate the pure eletromagnetic torque. I ever knew there are several FE analytic method to calculate electromagnetic torque like maxwell stress or something alike. Do you have any hints from the FLUX manual?

Anyway, in another hand, it doesn't deteriorate efficiency calculation much even if the torque calculated by FLUX is not taken as a pure eletromagnetic torque. But I'm just curious.

lijo 发表于 2012-8-1 22:08

本帖最后由 lijo 于 2012-8-1 22:44 编辑

Cem = K *( B_stator∧ B_rotor)

from the F2D76_VOLUME3_EN.pdf user guide:
'Cm is the electromagnetic torque obtained by the magnetic calculation (virtual works

Fm the calculated electromagnetic force:
- on the whole of the moving part if the region selected in PROPHY is magnetic or comprises
a magnet (virtual works method),
- on the region selected in PROPHY if it is not magnetic (Laplace's method J ∧ B )

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note:
The electromagnetic force (or the torque) is calculated when the modeled part of the device
is solved. This quantity is stored at each time step in the *.RES_n results file.


In the new Flux:

AT THE MOMEMT NOT AT ALL CLEAR "...the computation of the torque using the power sums is more precise."

woodylacurs 发表于 2012-8-2 20:59


giuseppe 发表于 2012-8-3 07:15

本帖最后由 giuseppe 于 2012-8-3 07:16 编辑

回复 7# woodylacurs

   Te*w包含铁损, 那包不包括永磁损耗那?

woodylacurs 发表于 2012-8-6 21:57

回复 8# giuseppe



海的背影 发表于 2012-8-8 21:56


e=mc^2 发表于 2012-11-22 19:16

本帖最后由 e=mc^2 于 2012-11-23 08:56 编辑



定子上消耗的功率:铜耗Pcu+铁耗Pfe   (由电磁能量转换产生的功率:Pe=P1-Pcu)





但是对于永磁电机来说,转子上的永磁损耗是不对电磁转矩有影响的,它影响了输出转矩T2的值 T2=(P1-PCU-Pfe-P永磁-P机械)/omgs

lijo 发表于 2012-11-22 23:57

for induction motors



e=mc^2 发表于 2012-11-23 09:14

lijo 发表于 2012-11-22 23:57 static/image/common/back.gif
for induction motors

1、In Steady state AC Magnetic, the stray load losses is not included in computational process

2、stray load losses occured both in stator and rotor

3、I want to know the definition of synchronous power,and the difference with electromagnetic power


lijo 发表于 2012-11-24 03:45

We are modelling.
Stray losses how you say can not be modeled in stedy state AC magnetic but I can include it in the equivalent circuit:

the same for Pfe+Pfw

If you into the above FEM model put Radd=1e-16 Rfe,fw=1e6 you get the same Electromagnetic Torque but different Pabs and Iabs

e=mc^2 发表于 2012-11-24 09:35

lijo 发表于 2012-11-24 03:45 static/image/common/back.gif
We are modelling.
Stray losses how you say can not be modeled in stedy state AC magnetic but I can...

you are right

By Circuit coupling,you can take every kind of loss into consideration.

But what I mean, the equivalent resistance of Pstray and Pfe, iscalculated by experimental method or other equivalent computation method(In FEA,the computation of iron lossis not precise enough,and is calculated in postprocessor).But in pre-processor of stedy state AC Magnetic,Pstray is not modeled in maxwell's equations of each finite element.

If I make any mistakes, please point them out.

by the way,how is your FLUX3D? can you help me with " h t t p:// "


lijo 发表于 2012-11-24 18:48

本帖最后由 lijo 于 2012-11-24 18:56 编辑

OK. As you well say, Pstray or supplementary are given by experimental tests and Pfe and Pfrictional&windage by Non-Load Test FEM simulation at AC SS with slip=0.00001 for example, then Pstray acting as a certain kind of balancing term.
The motor manufacturers do not know how to calculate or mesure the stray losses.

Sorry, I have only experience with FluxSkewed, 2D1/2 Not 3D for the time being, 3D is very hard time computation. Today my main job is in optimization with Flux2D and GOT-It, very hard time computation too.

Anyway I will examine your 3D project and try to help you.
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