MAXwell V15
*Global - MessagesLeft-alt + shift is currently used by the system to toggle the input language. It is also used in some portions of this application, which may cause the input language to change unexpectedly.
maxwell(prototypem) (E:/new/)
Maxwell2DDesign1 (Transient, XY)
Eddy effect settings may need revisiting due to the recent changes in the design.The default value will be used for the object if the value is not specified.(11:09:32 上午七月 19, 2012)
Eddy effect settings may need revisiting due to the recent changes in the design.The default value will be used for the object if the value is not specified.(11:09:57 上午七月 19, 2012)
Maxwell2d solver, process solver2d error: Internal Solver Error:'Initial meshing failed!'. (11:13:28 上午七月 19, 2012)
Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (11:13:31 上午七月 19, 2012)
提示初始化网格剖分失败,请问是什么原因? 你这个版本软件在哪下载 115网盘下载的 回复 2# yeliezhen
如果你需要我可以传给你 回复 4# wuzhi3495
请传给我一份。谢谢。 谢谢,我在115软盘下了 楼主,你的问题解决了吗?我也遇到了同样的问题,求解答! 楼主,Internal Solver Error:'Initial meshing failed!'.的问题解决了么?我也遇到一样的问题。此问题的关键,是软件不提示是什么原因导致初始化失败。 在剖分的时候,先revent initial再重新设置剖分参数进行剖分,
我猜你的模型里,是不是有尺寸过小的器件导致剖分比例差距太大引起的错误啊,截图看看 wuzhi3495 发表于 2012-7-25 16:36
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可以给我个软件吗?qq 463086051