split lines in preFlu2D
Someone know how split a line in two lines, or a arc splitted in two arcs ?/And
How export ALL motor data (GEOMETRY, MESH, PHYSICAL, CIRCUIT description)to a .py python file (pyFlux) ??
tia I always add a now point in the middle, delele the original line and re-connect two lines for spliting.After finishing the physical and save, the solve should be done in another module in FLUX 2D in the left windows and the .py file is created then for results analysis. In PHycial, the .FLU file is used. My problem is with a geometric optimization, and I need an automatic geometric reconstruction by Flux, varying a geometrical parameter. I need that Flux differentiate between line and arc for splitingas you say, and redraw two lines or two arcs. geometric optimization might be done by using "define the point by another point",and "parameter" model, then you can just change the parameter for optimization. the geometric can be changed as well. the FLUX model is always created from point to volume.I have not used Boolean Operation such as differentiation like ANSYS yet. maybe someone else can help you or you can just creat the model from point to volume with parameter model. Hope it may help you Thanks a lot, I go to try: define the point by another point {:1_500:},,,,,,,,,,,,,,,